Emergence Collective was grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate this week with some of our colleagues across the state to draft an open letter voicing our commitment and encouraging state response Task Force members to integrate equitable evaluation approaches into Michigan's response to COVID-19. Read more and click the link to review the full letter below. Evaluation colleagues are invited to sign the letter and be added to the version that will be sent to Governor Whitmer's task force by midnight on Thursday, March 14.
Governor Whitmer recently established the Michigan Coronavirus Taskforce on Racial Disparities. The Task Force is charged with investigating the underlying causes of the racial disparities exhibited in the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in communities of color around our state.
Upon announcement of the formation of this Task Force, a group of evaluators representing a range of organizations and institutions collaborated to draft a letter advocating for the use and incorporation of evaluation into the Task Force’s work. The letter is intended to serve as a collective statement of commitment on behalf of our field to supporting the critical mission of the Task Force, and to serve as an offer on behalf of our field to our state, our communities, and our neighbors.
Once you have reviewed the contents of the letter you can use the link provided below to record your signature and support by recording your name and answering a few questions. We plan to officially send this letter to stakeholders and community partners on Friday, May 15. If you would like to be added as a signatory to the first round of this letter, please sign on at this link no later than midnight this Thursday, May 14, 2020.